外国人と餅つき”国際交流 pounding rice cake"

A happy new year とよく言いますが、Aは必要ありませんyo!
もちって英語で? 餅英語
What is this?
This is mochi, called rice cake in English.
(これは餅と言い、英語でrice cakeというよ。)
It is so sticky that it’s kind of hard to swallow.
Don’t eat a lot of it at one time otherwise it might get stuck in your throat.

もちはどうやって作るの? 餅の作り方 英語 スッテプ7
- steam glutinous rice (mochigome) until it softens.(まずは、柔らかくなるまでもち米を蒸す。)
- place the steamed glutinous rice in a large mortar (usu).(その蒸したもち米を臼にいれる。)
- add water and quickly grind and knead the steamed glutinous rice into rice cake (mochi) with a mallet (kinu).(水を足して、素早くそのもち米を杵ですり潰してこねる。)
- pound the rice cake with the mallet like a madman, but pace yourself.(狂人のように、でも自分のペースを保って、杵でそのもち米をつく。)
- have another person add water and quickly knead the rice cake between each strike.(1回つく度に、他の人に素早く水を加えてもらい、餅をこねてもらう。)
- repeat steps 5 & 6 over and over until you get the mochi consistency you want.(お好みの粘度に餅がなるまで、ステップ5、6を繰り返す。)

もちつきフレーズ 餅話題英語
We pound steamed glutinous rice (mochigome) in a large mortar (usu) with a mallet (kinu) to make mochi sometime around the new year.
It is called “mochitsuki” and one of Japanese traditional ceremonies that take place around the new year.
